You have 3 days (72 hours) to notify us of your intent to return the items and provide us with tracking details of the returned item. After 3 days, unfortunately we will be unable to treat any cases for returns nor offer an exchange. We encourage all our customers to use the shoe and clothing sizing guide to confirm their sizes before placing their orders as we do not accept exchanges for certain products if the customer has submitted a wrong size.
If your order is eligible for a return, items must be in the new and unused condition as received, unaltered, not been washed, or damaged and must be returned in the original packaging with all the tags attached. We do not do cash refunds but offer store credit which has no expiry date and can always be used on your next order at any time.
Kindly note that the customer is responsible for the return shipping charges and we recommend that you use a service with tracking and/or insurance as FOOTWOX will not be responsible for items lost or damaged during return shipping.
Returns should be sent to:
Footwox Collections
GIGL Center - Hospital Road Gbagada, Lagos
Feel free to contact us if you need further clarification.